Hey there! I'm Kimmy


Pictures play a big role in my life. I happen to have a terrible memory and I have used photos my entire life to remember things. If I can’t picture it, I can’t remember it. That’s why I started dabbling in photography. I needed a way to remember my life – the good, the silly, the transitions, the weird, the crazy, the bad, the sweet, and the really happy – and I can’t begin to express how enriched my life has become since I’ve started taking the time to make sure my life is documented.

I want to help you document your life too! For over ten years I’ve been professionally capturing my clients during the big and little moments of their lives. I focus on CONNECTION, not perfection. My goal for every session is to capture you and your loved ones as they are TODAY. Give me your laughs, giggles, snuggles, and yes, even tantrums. When you choose to work with me you’ll receive lovely images that you’ll gladly look back on for years to come to remember what a beautiful life you have today!